efficient percolation, effortless hits
The Recycling Gripper is a top quality dab rig in both design and filtration. Its multiple chambers are connected by various tubes that allow the water and smoke to be recycled. This results in more efficient percolation, more flavor, and less concern of splash. This process also puts on quite a show. As you watch the clear borosilicate glass fill with smoke, it will also deliver effortless, cool hits that won’t leave you coughing like crazy.
Two Chambers = More Filtration
Built In Downstem
Top Quality Borosilicate Glass
No Splashback
Do right by your lungs and get a dab rig that recycles. The Recycling Gripper is guaranteed to enhance your routine. More flavor and more filtration make for a more enjoyable session that will have all your friends asking, “Where’d you get that?”
Get a grip on this deal and add it to your cart today!