Mid-sized, lightweight dab rig with percolator and ash catcher.
Experiment with all your favorite oils, waxes and herbs with this incredible 7” Mad Scientist Dab Rig made from durable borosilicate glass. This stereo matrix percolator is one of the most effective percolators there is. It takes a big breath to draw all the bubbles you can, but it’s more than worth it by providing unparalleled diffusion, filtration and giant rips.
STEREO MATRIX PERC – Smooth Diffusion and Hits
3 COLORS – Black, Key Lime Green and Teal
⚗️ STURDY BASE – Thick and Durable
NO SPLASH – Built in Splash Guard
KEEP IT CLEAN – Built-in Ashcatcher
⚗️MEDIUM SIZE – 7” Height & 1.4lb Weight
The thick base will protect your new favorite piece from cracking or breaking especially when you’re moving it around to a new room or to clean it or replace the water, plus it keeps your rig from wobbling or tipping over when in use. The bent neck also adds extra splash protection.
Ready to get experimental? Add the Mad Scientist Dab Rig to your cart!