Compact bong with frosted glass and refreshing, filtered hits.
Material: Glass
Height: 5″
Style: Finger Carb
The Eukaryote Glass Bong is a small carbed bong with color splashes around the water chamber and handle resembling a specific kind of cellular structure found in creatures throughout the animal kingdom. Frosted glass serves as a stylish backdrop for the small-lifeform silhouettes decorating this piece.
Note: like many glass pieces, colors will vary in hue slightly.
The Good
Once upon a time, a long time ago, life began to form on the Earth, possibly as early as the end of the Hadean era when water, oxygen, and rocks also first formed. It’s hard to tell as rocks from this time have been heavily metamorphosed by heat and pressure, disrupting organic signatures. Our best estimation is that single cell life probably appeared around 3.8 billion years ago and next up came these guys somewhere later in the Precambrian era between roughly 2.45 and 2.32 billion years ago. Of course, some believe the Earth is only a few thousand years old, in which case biology and this bong probably aren’t for you.
The Bad
Flat Earth memes are a thing because, well, science is hard.
The Ugly
Being overly evangelical about anything. Except science.