Elegant, compact glass bong with percolated downstem.
An elixir is defined as a potion with either magical or medicinal qualities. As you probably already know, the substance that you’re going to put into the Elixir Bong has both of those key qualifications. This bong’s elegant curves make it look like something out of an alchemist’s laboratory, or the former home of a genie, and it’ll look great next to your Fleetwood Mac record collection.
⚗️ MYSTIQUE IN A BONG – Looks and Works Like Magic
⚗️ SMALL & PORTABLE – 7.5″ Height & 6.5oz Weight
⚗️ HIGH QUALITY – Heat-Stable Scientific Borosilicate Glass
⚗️ BOWL INCLUDED – Featuring Slide Handle
⚗️ PERCOLATED DOWNSTEM – Filtered, Smooth Hits
⚗️ TABLE STABLE – Sturdy Base
At 7.5″ and only 6.5oz in weight, it’s easy to bring this panacea with you wherever you go. The Elixir Bong comes with a bowl that has a convenient slide handle, as well as a removable percolated downstem to make sure you get truly magical rips from this piece.
Experience the cure… buy the Elixir Bong now!