Smoke some cannabis with the Cosine Cluster Bong!
5.5″ Diffused Downstem
14mm Male Bowl
14mm Female Joint/45 degree angle
Three pinch Ice catcher
Choose from Jade, Blue, or Yellow
Let’s get scientific with the Cosine Cluster Bong! This beautiful water bong comes standard with a diffused 5.5″ downstem and a 14mm male bowl. Drop some ice into the tube as the three pinch ice catcher will help cool down your rips, and even acts as a splashguard. This cool beaker bong comes in Jade, Blue or yellow designs, with a marijuana insignia leaf on the tube, and the base! This is a great bong for beginners, but also a great main piece for any stoners out there!
Material – Borosilicate Glass
Height – 14″
Style – Beaker Bong
Bowl – 14mm Male
Downstem – 5.5″
Glass – 7mm